True Story

March 20, 2012

Current Spring Favorites

March 20, 2012

I’m totally in love with the weather as of lately.  And with this weather, out comes my favorite items.  From dainty earrings, to chevron patterns and vintage bags.  Most of the items can be found on (I’m addicted), and the chevron blanket and pillow cases can be found at Harvest Textiles.  I love that they even sell the patterned fabric so you can enjoy a DIY of your own. 

1.) French Vintage Bag –;  2.) Kraftpaper Fabric Bag –;  3.) Chevron iPhone case –;  4&5.) Macbook Air case –;  6&7.) Totem Collection – Harvest Textiles;  8.) Handmade sun dress  –;  9.)  Sterling silver necklace – ;  10.) Cat eye vintage frames –

Almost all through the colder months of the year, you can find me wearing anything black, gray, brown, tan and other dark colors resembling my feelings towards the weather.  Well, when i think of Spring, i think of color and especially the bold use of bright colors and amazing fabric!  Because i am a huge fan of Project Runway, the 2 people who come to mind are Korto Momolu and Anya Ayoung Chee.  Two beautiful and exotic women with a point of view and a sense of boldness when it comes to color, shapes and patterns.  Furthermore, anything flowy, couture-ish, bright in color but yet simple is the quickest way to my heart. 

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WARNING:  Viewer discretion advised.  Some photos on this blog entry are only suitable for a mature audience.  Thanks.

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Flashback Friday!

March 16, 2012

Every once in a while, i like to venture back to the good old days and reminisce on how wonderful life seemed to be back then when you didn’t know what it meant to have to pay bills.  Of course, I’m an 80’s baby, so for me, there was not a care in the world except, how much change could i scrounge up that day to get loads of penny candy from the local corner store, or how long my mom would let me stay out to play hide-and-go-seek with my friends.  Most of all, i loved to skate!  When i would go as fast as i could  and let the wind blow through my hair, it took me too another place.  Ahhh…how i miss the 80’s.  Here are some of my favorites.  What’s your favorite childhood memory?

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